Friday, July 22, 2011

Margarita Floats

The last two weeks, I have been out of town learning how to teach physics. The big problem I seem to be having with this is that I don't really seem to KNOW physics. 

When I graduated from college, I had changed my major enough and taken some magical combination of classes that allowed me to add physics to my license. Oddly, only one of those classes covered what is traditionally taught in a high school physics course, and that class appears on my transcript next to the lowest grade I received in any class. Ever.

So I have been spending 8 hours a day with a bunch of other teachers trying to keep up with the vectors, vaguely familiar trigonometry and the ever popular Isaac Newton. 

My brain hurts.

One night we went to supper at Whiskey Creek. On their drink menu they had what they called a margarita float. Since I hadn't done my homework at that point, I figured I had better not chance it. But that picture just kept coming back to me. It sounded so good. Why hadn't I ever heard of this?

And do I even need to mention the weather???? 

So I set out to discover my own. The only thing I could remember from the description was Tequila and Triple Sec. Not much to go on. Now, I love margaritas, I just have never given much thought to how I would make them at home.

So I guessed. Well, I Googled it. Do you know how many recipes there are out there for margaritas? that I think about it, I didn't check to see if there were any for margarita floats. Did I mention my brain hurts?

For each serving, mix together 1 tablespoon Triple Sec, 2 tablespoons Tequila and 1/4 Cup Lime Juice. Add 1 cup of Tonic Water.
Add in a nice big scoop of sherbet. I was going to use lime or raspberry, but all my grocery store had today was the rainbow. I wasn't terribly disappointed because all flavors of sherbet taste pretty much the same to me.
That tonic water makes a beautifully fizzy foam on the top.
Aren't these gorgeous?

Incredibly tasty, too. Maybe a tad strong. I think I would not add full tablespoons next time. But that sherbet swirls in and gives a nice refreshing sweetness to the limes.

Oh, here's another tip. If you happen to be experimenting with drinks made from multiple variations of alcohol, it is probably a good idea to invite a friend over. Just sayin'

Click here for Printable Recipe

Margarita Floats
1 oz Triple Sec
2 oz Tequila
1/4 Cup Lime Juice
1 Cup Tonic Water
Scoop of Sherbet
Mix it up and enjoy.

Note: It is a good idea to have all the liquids chilled before mixing since there is no ice added.

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