Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Joy of Menu Planning

I love to cook. Before I had children, my hubby and I just ate whatever and whenever we felt like it. If we weren't hungry that evening, we (I) didn't cook. Now that others have been introduced into the equation, I have discovered that this is not acceptable. Someone is ALWAYS hungry. It had really never occurred to me to plan menus a week in advance. Several years ago, my mother sent me a link to the Fly Lady. For those of you who have not discovered this angel (or devil), this is a site that attempts to get you to set up routines and keep your house in order. I am in the stage the Fly Lady refers to as 'baby steps' and have been for several years. But the one thing that has really changed my life is her insistence on planning what to have for supper BEFORE supper time. Brilliant. I love it, and after a few stumbles (some last month), I have really discovered what a difference it makes in my week to have something like this in place. My 7 year old dear daughter (DD) and I sit down (most) every weekend and plan out the menu for the week. I then enter these onto a devoted Google calendar (I know, what a nerd) so as to have it available no matter where I am. I then .....oh my goodness... make out a grocery list. And I follow it when I am in the store!!! As I sit here right now, I have soup in the crock pot and biscuits in the oven. Supper is ready :)

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