Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eggnog Cupcakes

Sometimes amazing things happen.

Like when you really don't feel like a glass of eggnog, but you know the little bit left in the container might go bad before the next time you do want some.

Couple that with a really drizzly day and the urge to do some Christmas themed baking and you get these.

You know on the back of a cake mix where is says add water? Forget the water.

Add in eggnog.

You will not be disappointed. There is a fluffiness that cannot be achieved using anything less substantial than eggnog. Even if you don't care for eggnog itself, the flavor is so subtle you might not even recognize it. The Girl didn't and she swears up and down she doesn't like it, but she ate three cupcakes.

Eggnog Cupcakes
1 box white or yellow cake mix
1 1/4 cup eggnog

Mix according to package directions except substitute eggnog in for the water. Bake as directed.

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